Hosting & Domain Registration

RGB Technology Services believes in your right to put your ideas online. That’s why all our hosting products, from single-page websites to dedicated servers, come with powerful tools and rock-solid security.

  • Domain Registeration
  • Shared Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • Compare Plans
  • VPS Hosting
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Email Hosting

Service Level Agreement

With our expertise:

  • We can carefully prepare your systems to ensure that in the event of disaster your organisation will be and running within 4 hours of any disaster

Infrastructure and Development

With our experience:

  • We undertake to guide and advise you on your IT strategy, ensuring that your IT development stays within budget and keeps pace with your business.
  • Where very technical issues are involved, to Act as a liaison between your organisation and other technology Service Providers (ISP, hosting providers, datacentres, website coders and other geeks)
  • Provide ICT purchasing and budgeting assistance
  • Network infrastructure repairs and device replacements
  • Technical software help

End-User Support

A user with a support line is a happy user. We will:

  • Answer technology-related questions and participate in technical problem-solving for individuals within your organisation.
  • Provide assistance with hardware and software installations.
  • Help your users to use their hardware and software more effectively and efficiently.
  • Coordinate hardware repairs.

Server Management and Monitoring

Here we take responsibility for managing and maintaining your servers by:

  • Working remotely to download and effect patches and routine OS updates to keep the servers running efficiently
  • Managing user names, password, permissions,services and shares.
  • Monitoring server performance and tweaking it maximise efficiency.
  • Undertaking a regular backups testing regime, ensuring backup system is working.
  • Advising, costing and implementing on hardware or major software upgrades, changes or modifications as required.


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